Tumashu's basic emacs configuation
- 1. 简介
- 2. 代码
- 2.1. 设置 load-path (Can not use use-package)
- 2.2. Full name and Email (Can not use use-package)
- 2.3. 启动时默认打开的 buffer. (Can not use use-package)
- 2.4. 使用空格缩进 (Can not use use-package)
- 2.5. 关闭 beep (Can not use use-package)
- 2.6. 让 scratch buffer 无法删除 (Can not use use-package)
- 2.7. 设置 emacs 包管理器 (Can not use use-package)
- 2.8. 使用 use-package
- 2.9. 设置主题
- 2.10. 启用 async
- 2.11. 设置 elpa-mirror
- 2.12. 设置 Charset
- 2.13. 保存文件之前,删除无用的空格
- 2.14. 设置 Eshell
- 2.15. 设置 EWW
- 2.16. 设置拼音输入法
- 2.17. 设置中文字体
- 2.18. 设置 recentf
- 2.19. 设置 ibuffer
- 2.20. 设置区域选择快捷键
- 2.21. 关闭 tool-bar
- 2.22. 关闭 menu-bar
- 2.23. 关闭 scroll-bar
- 2.24. 配对括号高亮显示
1 简介
2 代码
(require 'cl-lib) (require 'eh-functions)
2.1 设置 load-path (Can not use use-package)
(defun eh-hack-load-path () ;; Delete buildin org's PATH (setq load-path (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (path) (string-match "lisp/org$" path)) load-path)) ;; Demove property lists to defeat cus-load and remove autoloads (mapatoms #'(lambda (sym) (let ((sym-name (symbol-name sym))) (when (string-match "^\\(org\\|ob\\|ox\\)-?" sym-name) (setplist sym nil) (when (autoloadp sym) (unintern sym)))))))
(defun eh-update-load-path () (interactive) (let (dirs) (dolist (x '("~" "c:" "d:" "e:" "f:" "g:" "h:" "i:")) (push (file-name-as-directory (concat x "/projects/emacs-packages")) dirs) (push (file-name-as-directory (concat x "/project/emacs-packages")) dirs)) (dolist (dir dirs) (when (file-directory-p dir) (dolist (x (directory-files dir t)) (when (and (file-directory-p x) (not (string-match-p "/\\.$" x)) (not (string-match-p "/\\.\\.$" x))) (add-to-list 'load-path x)))))) (eh-hack-load-path))
2.2 Full name and Email (Can not use use-package)
(setq user-full-name "Feng Shu") (setq user-mail-address "tumashu@163.com")
2.3 启动时默认打开的 buffer. (Can not use use-package)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t) (setq initial-buffer-choice nil) (setq initial-scratch-message ";; This is *scratch* buffer.\n\n")
2.4 使用空格缩进 (Can not use use-package)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq-default tab-width 4) (setq tab-width 4)
2.5 关闭 beep (Can not use use-package)
(setq visible-bell t)
2.6 让 scratch buffer 无法删除 (Can not use use-package)
(defun eh-unkillable-scratch-buffer () (if (string= (buffer-name (current-buffer)) "*scratch*") (progn (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert initial-scratch-message) nil) t))
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'eh-unkillable-scratch-buffer)
2.7 设置 emacs 包管理器 (Can not use use-package)
(require 'package) (package-initialize)
(defun eh-elpa-directory () "返回 emacs-helper 内置 elpa 镜像的目录。" (file-name-as-directory (concat (file-name-directory (locate-library "eh-basic.el")) "elpa/")))
(setq package-archives `(("eh-elpa" . ,(eh-elpa-directory)) ("melpa-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/melpa/") ("org-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/org/") ("gnu-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/gnu/")))
2.8 使用 use-package
(require 'use-package)
2.9 设置主题
(use-package cyberpunk-theme :config (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'(lambda () (load-theme 'cyberpunk t))))
2.10 启用 async
(use-package async)
2.11 设置 elpa-mirror
(use-package elpa-mirror :config (defun eh-elpa-mirror-github () (interactive) (let ((directory "~/.eh-elpa-mirror/")) (elpamr-create-mirror-for-installed directory t) (shell-command (concat "cd " directory " && " "git init &&" "git add -A && " "git commit -m \"Update elpa mirror\" && " "git push -f git@github.com:tumashu/elpa.git master &")))) (defun eh-elpa-mirror () (interactive) (let* ((directory (file-name-as-directory (eh-elpa-directory))) (recreate-directory (yes-or-no-p (format "重新创建目录:%S ? " directory)))) (elpamr-create-mirror-for-installed directory recreate-directory))))
2.12 设置 Charset
(use-package mule :ensure nil :config (set-language-environment "UTF-8") (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (set-clipboard-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (set-file-name-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (set-next-selection-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8-unix) (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (set-language-environment "Chinese-GBK") (set-selection-coding-system 'gbk-dos) (set-next-selection-coding-system 'gbk-dos) (set-clipboard-coding-system 'gbk-dos)))
2.13 保存文件之前,删除无用的空格
(use-package files :ensure nil :config ;; 使用下面这一行配置后,org-mode 的源代码总是莫名其妙的 ;; (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'whitespace-cleanup) ;; 更改,这会导致生成的 diff 相当乱。 (use-package whitespace :ensure nil) (use-package simple :ensure nil :config (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'(lambda () (delete-trailing-whitespace)))))
2.14 设置 Eshell
(use-package eshell :bind (("C-x c" . eshell)) :ensure nil :config (use-package em-term :ensure nil) (use-package em-unix :ensure nil) (setq eshell-visual-commands (append '("top" "htop" "aptitude" "mutt" "nano" "crontab" "vim" "less" "zile") eshell-visual-commands)) (setq eshell-visual-subcommands (list (append '("sudo") eshell-visual-commands) '("git" "log" "diff" "show" "grep" "commit" "rebase" "pull" "push"))) (setq eshell-visual-options '(("git" "--help" "--paginate"))) (defun eh-eshell (&optional arg) (interactive) ;; 使用eshell-exec-visual第一次打开term时, ;; 不能使用multi-term的键盘绑定,原因不知, ;; 首先运行一下less, 从而让multi-term的键盘绑定生效。 (eshell-command "less") (eshell arg)))
2.15 设置 EWW
(use-package eww :ensure nil :config (setq shr-width 90) ;; 搜狗: http://www.sogou.com/sogou?query= ;; 百度: http://m.baidu.com/ssid=0/s?word= ;; 必应: http://cn.bing.com/search?q= (setq eww-search-prefix "http://www.sogou.com/sogou?query="))
2.16 设置拼音输入法
(use-package pyim :ensure nil :config ;; 激活 basedict 词库 (use-package pyim-basedict :ensure nil :config (pyim-basedict-enable)) (setq default-input-method "pyim") ;; 使用全拼 (setq pyim-default-scheme 'quanpin) ;; pyim 探针设置 (setq-default pyim-english-input-switch-functions '(pyim-probe-dynamic-english pyim-probe-isearch-mode pyim-probe-program-mode pyim-probe-org-structure-template)) (setq-default pyim-punctuation-half-width-functions '(pyim-probe-punctuation-line-beginning pyim-probe-punctuation-after-punctuation)) ;; 开启拼音搜索功能 (pyim-isearch-mode 1) ;; 使用 pupup 来绘制选词框。 (setq pyim-page-tooltip 'popup) ;; 显示5个候选词。 (setq pyim-page-length 5) ;; emacs 启动时加载 pyim 词库 (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'(lambda () (pyim-restart-1 t))) :bind (("M-j" . pyim-convert-code-at-point) ("C-;" . pyim-delete-word-from-personal-buffer)))
2.17 设置中文字体
(use-package cnfonts :demand t :init (setq cnfonts-verbose nil) :config (setq cnfonts-use-face-font-rescale (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)) (cnfonts-enable) :bind (("C--" . cnfonts-decrease-fontsize) ("C-=" . cnfonts-increase-fontsize) ("C-+" . cnfonts-next-profile)))
2.18 设置 recentf
(use-package recentf :ensure nil :bind (("C-x f" . recentf-open-files)) :config (setq recentf-auto-cleanup 'never) (recentf-mode 1) (setq recentf-max-saved-items 99) (setq recentf-max-menu-items 99) (setq recentf-show-file-shortcuts-flag nil) (setq recentf-exclude '("COMMIT" "autoloads" "archive-contents" "eld" "newsrc" ".recentf" "emacs-font-size.conf" "pyim-dcache-.*")) ;; 自动保存recentf文件。 (add-hook 'find-file-hook #'recentf-save-list))
2.19 设置 ibuffer
(use-package ibuffer :ensure nil :bind (("C-x b" . ibuffer)))
2.20 设置区域选择快捷键
(use-package simple :ensure nil :init (global-unset-key (kbd "C-x C-x")) :bind (("C-x <SPC>" . set-mark-command) ;; QQ 将会在 emacs 之前捕捉 M-w 快捷键,记得取消。 ;; 另外绑定 C-c w 作为备用。 ("C-c w" . kill-ring-save) ("C-x C-x C-x" . exchange-point-and-mark)))
(use-package rect :ensure nil :bind (("C-x C-x <SPC>" . rectangle-mark-mode)))
2.21 关闭 tool-bar
(use-package tool-bar :ensure nil :config (tool-bar-mode -1) :bind (("C-x k" . kill-this-buffer)))
2.22 关闭 menu-bar
(use-package menu-bar :ensure nil :config (menu-bar-mode 0) :bind (("C-x k" . kill-this-buffer)))
2.23 关闭 scroll-bar
(use-package scroll-bar :ensure nil :config (scroll-bar-mode -1))
2.24 配对括号高亮显示
(use-package paren :ensure nil :config (show-paren-mode 1))